One day s lunch break, suddenly a male high school student Yuzo Ogata who has been transferred to another world of sword and magic together with four other friends.
According to the Princess of Space-Time Magician, a foreign world who summoned them, they want them to beat the Demon Lord as Heroes to save this world.
Suddenly I was surprised at four friends Temple, but it was a relaxing expression ... ... where the princess told of a startling fact!
`?? There should only be four braves though?
A man who was mistakenly summoned to a different world
What will be in store as to his fate?
One day s lunch break, suddenly a male high school student Yuzo Ogata who has been transferred to another world of sword and magic together with four other friends.
According to the Princess of Space-Time Magician, a foreign world who summoned them, they want them to beat the Demon Lord as Heroes to save this world.
Suddenly I was surprised at four friends Temple, but it was a relaxing expression ... ... where the princess told of a startling fact!
`?? There should only be four braves though?
A man who was mistakenly summoned to a different world
What will be in store as to his fate?
One day s lunch break, suddenly a male high school student Yuzo Ogata who has been transferred to another world of sword and magic together with four other friends.
According to the Princess of Space-Time Magician, a foreign world who summoned them, they want them to beat the Demon Lord as Heroes to save this world.
Suddenly I was surprised at four friends Temple, but it was a relaxing expression ... ... where the princess told of a startling fact!
`?? There should only be four braves though?
A man who was mistakenly summoned to a different world
What will be in store as to his fate?
Bemerkungen 3
Kapitel 36
One day s lunch break, suddenly a male high school student Yuzo Ogata who has been transferred to another world of sword and magic together with four other friends.
According to the Princess of Space-Time Magician, a foreign world who summoned them, they want them to beat the Demon Lord as Heroes to save this world.
Suddenly I was surprised at four friends Temple, but it was a relaxing expression ... ... where the princess told of a startling fact!
`?? There should only be four braves though?
A man who was mistakenly summoned to a different world
What will be in store as to his fate?
3 Bemerkungen
❤️ Come in, I'll show you my tits:
Die Serien Makikomarete Isekai Teni Suru Yatsu Wa, Taitei Cheat enthalten intensive Gewalt, Blut / Blut, sexuelle Inhalte und / oder starke Sprache, die für minderjährige Zuschauer möglicherweise nicht geeignet ist und daher für ihren Schutz gesperrt ist. Also, wenn Sie über dem gesetzlichen Alter von 18 Jahren sind.
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